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Live from Washington, DC; now on YouTube

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

...Live from Washington, DC; it's Sunday night with Nicolette DeVidar and my second interview on her show...

#SmartSustainability #COP26: Hypocrisy, Reality and What Change Can We Collectively Make Happen?

…Nicolette, thank you so much for having us on your show again to discuss these matters important to the progress of humanity in a new direction, potentially opening the minds of those who are only focused on what has already begun, to the possibilities beyond what they have imagined…

Here’s what you can do:

1) watch & listen at 33:00-33:46

2) share this video with others

3) get a complimentary digital copy of my book to understand TIME-EQUITY

4) discuss the ideas with other people, share your ideas and feedback with us, keep the conversation alive and active

5) take action and/or speak up to implement changes to the system; you have a voice and the world is waiting to hear it…

...This was on LIVE TV, Sunday, November 7 at 6:30 PM EST, Channel 10/DC - NoVa areas


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