...curiosity killed the cat...are you curious enough?...the possibility exists for those who consider themselves true visionaries and trail blazers to rethink our current positions on most everything that currently exists in our world and introduce new and better ways of thinking about change...and break away from the "we've always done it this way before" attitude...
...i'm looking for PhD's and Master's students and professors to build a PhD program and/or write a thesis on TIME-EQUITY...in addition to financial professionals, i am also seeking Philosophers, Psychologists, Sociologists and professionals in other related fields who would join together with the intent to answer the question "Why do we stay stuck in FEAR of change instead of focusing on the creation of something better?"...I believe that those who are not afraid of the stranglehold of conventional wisdom will appreciate the opportunity to design a "new world order" unlike the model that is currently being put into place by the WEF, WHO and UN to name a few whose only desire is to help themselves by continuing to enslave humanity...let's take action to reclaim our power and freedom!!!...
...the "text book" has already been introduced and has even received a few awards in India and Singapore...to make change effective we need 3.5% of the global population (273Million) to support the TIME-EQUITY movement...please accept my gift of a complimentary digital copy of my work that will answer some of your questions...