Welcome back to the discussion on Financial Literacy which I started last week and thank you for all the comments that have been coming in recently. It is nice to know that you are out there and that you share some of the same concerns that I have been writing about. It is my intent to increase financial awareness for both the consumer and the financial advisors out there and make suggestions that would serve to assist everyone in their pursuit of financial independence. So, what exactly is my point in “bashing” RSP’s and “bashing” financial literacy which I have been doing from the beginning of my blog?
The purpose of my writing is simple, it is to challenge what you believe when it comes to money matters. As an ex-advisor, I am aware that most consumers and advisors do not get totally unbiased advice. By “bashing” the conventional wisdom I create the opening for new thoughts and discussions that give rise to new and more challenging questions about financial literacy for the purpose of increasing overall confidence which leads to better financial decisions being made by all. By providing an unconventional thinking process I am able to challenge the status quo or the commonly accepted solutions so that more questions are asked about different options that are available to eventually result in a greater level of financial independence for all Canadians. If I am getting my point across, then a lot more questions will be asked which will lead to many more answers, which in turn, will provide better solutions.
We can therefore conclude that it takes bad financial advice to recognize and appreciate good financial advice. Unfortunately, the time that is needed to unwind bad financial advice can never be replaced. And since we cannot turn back the hands of time we should take more time before we make financial decisions to ensure the advice is valid and meets our expectations. If we all asked a few more questions and the questions themselves are better because we took the time to think more about them, we would then effect better financial
decisions and become financially literate and as a result, financially independent.
For the record, financial literacy, to me, means having a base of knowledge that one can use to effect confident actions. The result of all knowledge is to be comfortable with acting on the knowledge we receive and feeling empowered by our choices. In the next few weeks we will look at financial strategies that may be considered unconventional and compare them to conventional strategies and perhaps come to the conclusion that financial literacy is not about being part of the large unquestioning group that just accepts a certain type of advice but provides inquisitive minds with financial solutions that are not considered the “norm”.
Copyright 2013 Richard M. Kiernicki. All Rights Reserved.

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