Unlimited human potential is possible. On Tuesday, April 6th I was interviewed by Andy Peacher’s on Horizon Talk Radio in the UK discussing TIME-EQUITY, “The Capitalist’s Worst Nightmare Come True: The Crucifixion of Capital” and how we can all work together to unleash humanity’s full potential: https://www.spreaker.com/show/horizon-talk-radios-podcast
The podcast is also available at the following links. Choose your favourite podcast site and have a listen.
Copyright 2021 Richard M. Kiernicki. All rights reserved.
#TIMEtocrucifycapitalism #financialliteracy #TIMEtostopfoolingeverybody #TIMEforrealchange #TIMEtotakebackcontrol #TIMEisyourmostpreciousasset #TIMEforunlimitedpotential #TIMEfortruedemocracy #sustainability #ecology #itsonlyamatterofTIME #richardkiernicki #richardmkiernicki #differentiateyourself #unconventionalthinking #unconventionalconventional #TIMEforequality #TIMEforthetruth #TIMEtobringbackintegrity #TIMEistheanswer #lifeTIME #TIMEforjustice #TIMEtounite #TIMEEQUITY