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Interview on AuthoREXperience with Jeroninio "Jerry" Almeida REX Karmaveer Global Authors Fellowship

...EXCITING NEWS..."The Capitalist's Worst Nightmare Come True: The Crucifixion of Capital" is catching on all over the world and I've been invited by Jeroninio "Jerry" Almeida from REX Karmaveer Global Authors Fellowship & Karmaveer Chakra Award in India to be the featured guest on his LIVE interview show, this SUNDAY, MAY 1st at 10 AM EDT! (REX is the TED Talks of India and the interview will appear on Karma Dishoom which has 5 million readers)...

..."Blessed with an intuition to question everything, after 40 years in the financial industry, learning that the conventional wisdom doesn’t answer many questions necessary for people to make the best decisions, Richard gained many insights. The financial system is predicated upon the majority losing for the few to win. It’s TIME to change that. Uncovering the secrets and lies of the industry, Richard M. Kiernicki introduces TIME-EQUITY to replace capitalism in his book, “The Capitalist’s Worst Nightmare Come True: The Crucifixion of Capital,” recognized with a Bronze Medal in the Golden Door – REX Karmaveer Truth-writer Fellowship & Chakra Awards 2021. TIME-EQUITY is the seed to unleash humanity’s full potential by removing greed, corruption and manipulation. As authors, we share freedom of expression; this work represents Richard’s truth as he states that each of us is given a gift to share and there is nothing more valuable than your TIME."...

Live Sun. May 1st: Replay link here:


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