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It's the First Anniversary: What Has Happened and What Are We Going to Do About It?

A year ago today, on Resurrection Day, we launched the Preface and Introduction of my book, "The Capitalist's Worst Nightmare Come True: The Crucifixion of Capital!"

A lot has happened over the last year and I will share and celebrate those moments with you. However, after over a year of lockdowns, business closures, school closures, church closures, stay at home orders, don't get within six feet of someone you don't live with and other such measures to keep people apart, divide and conquer, the latest tyrannical steps the government of Canada brings forth, Bill C-10, to take away even more of our rights and freedom of speech, "the aim of which is to deliver the whole of the audiovisual internet into the CRTC’s trembling hands," Kim G. C. Moody quotes from Andrew Coyne's article in the Globe & Mail; "[i]n yet a third bill to be introduced this session, the government has declared it will regulate the content posted by users on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter." Above all, none of this, is acceptable. Where is everybody? The elite continue to try to blind the eyes of humanity, when many of us see through their sophisticated nonsense in our hearts.

Who are these people to take away the rights they gave us in the first place. Canadians need to do something and get behind the people who are fighting for change, have a solution and are willing to go the distance. Heck, this should be a global initiative! It's TIME to get rid of money and capitalism, thereby eliminating greed, corruption and manipulation and embracing TIME-EQUITY, the first realistic alternative to capitalism, to see the possibilities beyond what we've come to accept as our reality, beyond the conventional wisdom and usher in an age of equality, true democracy, a sustainable planet and quite possibly the first era of peacefulness amongst humanity to work together in realizing our unlimited potential.


Resurrection Day (Easter Sunday) April 12, 2020: Launch of the Preface and Introduction for the Resurrection of the Human Spirit, followed by the release of each chapter of the digital book.

October 18, 2020: Twelve Year Anniversary of the Thought From Which the Book Materialized, first prototype of the paperback

December 27, 2020: Interview with Nicolette DeVidar on Smart Sustainability, PBS, Washington, DC & Amazon/Kindle Launch Worldwide: momentum is picking up and since then we have had many expressions of interest from conscious people who know we need to do something...

January & February 2021:

Interviews on Part 1 & Part 2

April 1, 2021: Guest Speaker at the Global Peace and Sustainable Development Summit 2021 hosted by Witty Gossip and Eklavya University in India, Day 1 End Poverty, discussing TIME-EQUITY as the solution

COMING SOON: Series of Six Podcasts with Nicolette DeVidar of urban2050 discussing chapters of the book.

When I finished writing the book, the next thought that arose to my awareness was, “What am I going to do next?” and the answer became blatantly clear. I'm very excited about the world catching onto the idea of TIME-EQUITY which has furthered my interests in promoting it on a global scale. The first two ways to do that are from a political perspective and to approach the UN.

We are requesting people who understand that the UN has fallen short of its stated objectives to promote world peace and equality to unite with supporters of the 13-month, 28-day calendar, who have gone to the UN multiple times over the last century with calendar reform (considered by the UN in 1956 and accepted by its predecessor the League of Nations and shut down by the Vatican in 1933). The 13-month calendar along with TIME-EQUITY have the potential to create more peace and harmony in the world. We are seeking people who will support and assist us in taking these two ideas to the United Nations.

Further ambitions for 2021 include uniting people who know that we need to change and want to support TIME-EQUITY to change the narrative at a political level, those who are interested in and/or have experience in politics and want to join the implementation effort to create real and lasting change through transparency, leading to trust and a true democracy. Please reach out to us for more information. We have the power to turn the world upside down and free ourselves from the illusions of capitalism forever!

Copyright 2021 Richard M. Kiernicki. All rights reserved.

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