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Today is the Day! Amazon & Kindle Launch Sunday, December 27th

This Sunday is the day for the Amazon and Kindle Launch for my book and interview on Smart Sustainability with Nicolette DeVidar - Sun. Dec. 27, 6:30-7:30 PM EST on TV talk LIVE, PBS Channel 10 broadcast live with 750,000 viewers in Washington, DC and Fairfax County.

Here’s the link to get the book on and Kindle for tomorrow’s Launch: Amazon: Kindle:

Here are excerpts from Chapter 7 that I think you’ll enjoy:

Chapter 7: TIME-EQUITY as the Equalizer, Organizer and Synchronizer

“[I]f we were born into a system of TIME-EQUITY and someone started the discussion about changing from a system of TIME-EQUITY to a system of capitalism, due to cognitive dissonance, we would most likely not want anything to do with making that change, in fact, we would most likely not believe that any suggested changes would be for the better. It also reflects the truth about why we may be reluctant to change from capitalism.” (RMK)

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Copyright 2020 Richard M. Kiernicki. All rights reserved.

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