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Amazon & Kindle Launch December 27th


Sunday, December 27th is the Amazon and Kindle Launch Date for my book. I’m excited to announce that it will coincide with a one-hour interview on Smart Sustainability with Nicolette DeVidar on Sun. Dec. 27, 6:30-7:30 PM EST on TV talk LIVE, PBS Channel 10 broadcast live with 750,000 viewers in Washington, DC and Fairfax County.

Here are excerpts from the book that I think you’ll enjoy:

Chapter 4: The Lie: How Banks Really Work:

“Charles Binderup paraphrased Henry Ford: ‘It is perhaps well enough that the people of the nation do not know or understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.’”

Chapter 5: How to Dismantle the Lie:

“Here's how we put integrity back into the system, by removing capitalism from democracy, removing money from equality, by creating the system that we truly want to create, to have everything that everybody's always wanted. It’s staring us in the face – dignity, unity, inclusiveness; who are you in that? How is this going to affect your family life, your work life, your existence? How many people are living the “American dream?” [or are they living a nightmare?] What are we going to do about it?” (RMK)

“It takes one person to harness the energy and create the dream, and the people who build upon that dream to create a movement and ignite that dream into something far beyond its humble beginnings.” (RMK)

Save the Date: Amazon & Kindle Worldwide Launch

Sunday, December 27th, 2020

(The link will be sent to you the night before and posted on my website and social media.)

Until then, the pre-sale pricing is available on my website, where you can get a personalized, autographed paperback and the digital book:

In the meantime, please help me by sharing this link with people you know who could benefit from reading my book, people who can help implement the ideas in this book and would be excited about being part of this movement of change:

If each of you sends it to six of your friends and they send it to six of their friends and so forth, in 14 days, we can reach almost everyone in the world. Let’s make this happen.

Share it on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media.

Thank you so much for your support.

Positively, Richard M. Kiernicki

Copyright 2020 Richard M. Kiernicki. All rights reserved.

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