...the first draft is out!!!...today, Oct 18th marks the 12th anniversary of the day the "download" started...the idea that TIME-EQUITY would replace a dying capitalistic system who's TIME has finally come to an end...and a new era in humanity will begin with a system that is fair to all and eliminates the greed, lies and corruption that has plagued capitalism for the last 500 years...along with the 13:20 calendar reform... humanity can unite like never before and unleash their full potential without ever hearing the excuse that "we have always done it this way" again...the count down to the "NEW, New World Order, begins today...
#TIMEEQUITY #TIMEtocrucifycapitalism #TIMEforrealchange #TIMEforequality #TIMEfortruedemocracy #TIMEtotakebackcontrol #TIMEisyourmostpreciousasset #TIMEforunlimitedpotential #TIMEtoreunite #TIMEtostopfoolingeverybody #itsonlyamatterofTIME #lifeTIME #TIMEtostopgreed #TIMEtostopcorruption #TIMEforthetruth #TIMEistheanswer #TIMEisup #TIMEhascome
Until I get the final print copies, I will still honour the $14.97 pre-sale price + S & H, so get'm while they're hot. After the final print copies are in my hands, it will go to the new price of $24.97. Click here: https://www.richardmkiernicki.com/author
