Today is the First anniversary of the release of my paperback, “The Capitalist's Worst Nightmare Come True: The Crucifixion of Capital,” and all I can say is WoW...what a year it has been and Thank You to all those who made this past year as exciting as it has been! Many of my followers have heard me talk about this book since the Globe and Mail's article titled, “Wanted: A New Financial Order,” on October 18th, 2008 at the beginning of the Global Financial Crisis. And I can honestly say that I felt I was the most unlikely guy to have been “selected” to write this alternative to the financial system as “requested” by the Globe. ;) They "Wanted" it, so I met their request. Funny, you'd think they would have jumped at the chance to be the first to review my work.
I still believe that Canadians will lead the way to implement the concept of TIME-EQUITY and we will invite all of humanity to suggest what we need to do to make it a system for the future based upon nothing from the past, as capitalism and all "ism's" have really had their day. For too long we have allowed the damaging effects of capitalism, the greed, corruption and manipulation, to reduce integrity and to meet the agenda supported by many of the elite, with little consequence; acceptance seems to be de rigueur.
We have come to understand that it is TIME we stood up for what was given to us and is now being taken away. We are the majority and we are powerful! TIME-EQUITY is a blueprint of how the majority can make the changes to help us make our world a better place for all of humanity and not just the “entitled” few. Imagine if there were never any excuses to do the right thing, like "it's not in the budget" or "we have always done it this way,” which appear as words of a dying breed or culture. My work serves at the "mustard seed" of innovation and collaboration. Let me share some of the most interesting events that have miraculously arisen to support a powerful idea that meets the demands of a world that needs to pull all the stops to avoid possible extinction and accelerate our progress. Many have come to recognize that TIME is our most precious asset. Please join me in reviewing and celebrating the highlights and together let’s continue to take the actions necessary to make this shift happen!
October 18, 2020: Twelve Year Anniversary of the Thought From Which the Book Materialized, first prototype of the paperback:

November 12, 2020: Interview on ALLATRA International TV: The Creative Society LIVE Conversation
December 27, 2020: Interview with Nicolette DeVidar on Smart Sustainability, PBS, Washington, DC & Amazon/Kindle Launch Worldwide:
January 2021: Featured in Iconic Artists & Writers of Aesthetics International 2020:

January 19, 2021: Interview "Saving Our Planet: Yes you can help..." with Nathalie Mullinix on BlogTalkRadio with John Rosebush of the Worldwide Development Corporation and James B. Fuller of the World Alliance for Planetary Health
January & February 2021:
February 19, 2021: Interview on Release the Genie with Paul Rogers
April 1, 2021: Guest Speaker at the Global Peace and Sustainable Development Summit 2021 hosted by Witty Gossip and Eklavya University in India, Won “Best Speech on Sustainable Development Goal 1,” End Poverty, discussing TIME-EQUITY as the solution:

April 5, 2021: Resurrection Day… the release of the Preface and Introduction of my digital book
April 6, 2021: Interview on Andy Peacher’s Horizon Talk Radio in the UK
April 12, 2021: Interview on Elliot Kelly TV
Featured in April 2021 Issue of Hoinser News Magazine:

July 26, 2021: Selected for the Shortlist for the Golden Door 2021 Awards for my book:

September 2nd, 2021: Interview on Expert Channel TV with Melanie Falvey for being a Shortlisted Author for the Golden Door Awards 2021:
September 4th, 2021: Bronze Medal in the Golden Door - REX Karmaveer Truth-writer Fellowship & Chakra Awards and Honorary Mention in the Golden Door 2021 Book Category, also invited to be an ambassador for Golden Door.

September 9, 2021: The official name registration of TIME Party Ontario with Elections Ontario:

Uniting people who know that we need to change and want to support TIME-EQUITY to change the narrative at a political level, those who are interested in and/or have experience in politics and want to join the implementation effort to create real and lasting change through transparency, leading to trust and a true democracy. Please reach out to us for more information. We have the power to turn the world upside down and free ourselves from the illusions of capitalism forever!
September 15, 2021: Keynote Speaker for HIT Talks Live:

Launch of the Audio Book:
Each Chapter will be released approximately every 3-7 days and available for free download until the next section/chapter is released. All chapters will be available to listen to on SoundCloud; sign up for my email list or send me an email to add you to the list for a free download link for the entire audio book and to be notified when the audio book launches. Then share the SoundCloud Link with your family, friends, or anyone else who might enjoy the book and/or want to join the TIME-EQUITY movement…
UN Challenge for a Sustainable Planet with John Rosebush & James B. Fuller: We are requesting people who understand that the UN has fallen short of its stated objectives to promote world peace and equality to unite with us in supporting TIME-EQUITY, John Rosebush & WDC Power’s new energy invention and James B. Fuller’s World Alliance for Planetary Health and Soil Remediation/Ocean Cleanup Projects that have the potential to create more sustainability leading to the realization of the UN's mandate for peace and harmony in the world. We are seeking people who will support and assist us in taking these collective ideas to the United Nations. Keep posted here for the launch of the Petition.
Series of Six Podcasts with Nicolette DeVidar of urban2050 discussing chapters of the book, for greater clarity on the application of TIME-EQUITY and the 13-month, 28-day calendar.
Audiobook Launch on other Platforms like Audible, Digital Book Release on Multiple Digital Sites/Platforms – iBook, ePub, etc.
Panel Discussion on the Book.
#TIMEtocrucifycapitalism #financialliteracy #TIMEtostopfoolingeverybody #TIMEforrealchange #TIMEtotakebackcontrol #TIMEisyourmostpreciousasset #TIMEforunlimitedpotential #TIMEfortruedemocracy #sustainability #smartsustainability #pbs #UN #unitednations #globalpeaceandsustainabledevelopment #thatchannel #ecology #itsonlyamatterofTIME #richardkiernicki #richardmkiernicki #differentiateyourself #unconventionalthinking #unconventionalconventional #TIMEforequality #TIMEforthetruth #TIMEtobringbackintegrity #TIMEistheanswer #lifeTIME #TIMEforjustice #TIMEtounite #TIMEEQUITY #goldendoorawards #karmaveerchakra #icongo #UN #shortlist #author #TIMEfortruth #TIMEforintegrity #TIMEEQUITY #HITTalksLive #ExpertChannelTV
Copyright 2021 Richard M. Kiernicki. All rights reserved.