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Amazon Launch & Contest

Today is the day for the Amazon and Kindle Launch of my book, along with a contest (see below) and interview on Smart Sustainability with Nicolette DeVidar - Sun. Dec. 27, 6:30-7:30 PM EST on TV talk LIVE, PBS Channel 10 broadcast live with 750,000 viewers in Washington, DC and Fairfax County, rebroadcast three times later this week and next week as well. (YouTube link will be posted and sent to you in the next week or so.)

Amazon Launch Contest:

For each of the following you’ll get one entry in the draw (up to three entries). One winner of a 30 minute coaching session with me will be announced later this week.

1) Purchase the book on Amazon or Kindle and email me your order number or screen shot (to this email or through the website contact form)

Here’s the link to get the book on and Kindle for today’s Launch:



Amazon Paperback:

Click here for full list of countries and links:

2) Share the Amazon or website book link on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and email me a screenshot (to this email or through the website contact form)

3) Leave a review on Amazon for the book and email me a screenshot (to this email or through the website contact form)

Get a personalized, autographed paperbacks and the digital book here:

Share this link with people you know who could benefit from reading my book, people who can help implement the ideas in this book and would be excited about being part of this movement of change:

If each of you sends it to six of your friends and they send it to six of their friends and so forth, in 14 days, we can reach almost everyone in the world. Let’s make this happen.

Thank you so much for your support.

Positively, Richard M. Kiernicki

Copyright 2020 Richard M. Kiernicki. All rights reserved.

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